
Markov-generated text will go here

Markov-generated text will go here

Markov-generated text will go here

The main relationship I am exploring in this project is that between machine-generated text and human intervention. I’m doing this by using a markov generator, then choosing phrases from the generated text to use and presenting these texts in the same context (instagram account) as purely human generated and selected texts. Although each aspect of the project have different levels of human intervention and interpretation, they work together to create a cohesive tone.

In creating this project, I reference my earlier class project using Markov chain text generators. I used my hobbie of noting overheard phrases in my own life to create a format in which broad statements are made. Knowing I wanted the tone of the project to be reflective and surprisingly thoughtful, the other texts I drew from were short personal essays. By blending these two texts in a Markov generator, I knew I could utilize the format of “overheads” with the tone and depth of my personal writing.

Knowing I wanted to explore how other mediums (photo, color, gifs, etc.) could change the meaning of text, I decided to use the Instagram platform as a way to present the texts. I could also emphasize the intended tone of the texts with tools like color and filters. I wanted the project to be accessible to people, while giving room for different users to interact with and consume the project in different ways. Due to the platform's many ways of user interaction, I knew I could interpret different texts with specific restrictions. In order for the audience to further experience how human intervention shaped the tone and content of the project, they can use the markov generator and see its potential compared to the final product.

While the generated text is presented in the “story” tool and paired with photos/backgrounds made for that text, some of the original overheard phrases are used as captions for existing photos, and my personal writing is presented with no images. The project requires my interaction with the texts to interpret their meanings and create and/or pair images and other to go with them. In addition, I can use the “highlights” tool to create permanent content that lets the user read at their own pace, although I can have some control.